CREDITS ======= AutoIt v3 is based on the original AutoIt program by Jonathan Bennett. Programming =========== Core Programming and framework (and style police) ------------------------------------------------- - Jonathan Bennett Contributions ------------- Names are listed in NO PARTICULAR ORDER. The script commands that were influenced/created by the contributors are also given where possible - if you are not mentioned and think you should be then drop me a mail. - Larry Keys AutoIt Window Spy, AU3GUI and ControlFocus, ControlLeftClick, @IPAddressNN, FileGetSize, FileGetTime, FileOpenDialog, FileSaveDialog, FileSelectFolder, DiskSpaceTotal, DiskSpaceFree, PixelSearch, PixelGetColor, FileCreateShortcut, WinSetOnTop, FileExists, DriveGetDrive, CDTray, ControlSetText, ControlGetText, ControlCommand, ControlMove, ControlEnable, ControlDisable, ControlShow, ControlHide, WinGetClassList, IsAdmin, SplashImageOn, SplashTestOn, SplashOff ProgressOn, ProgressOff, ProgressSet, DriveGetLabel, DriveGetSerial, DriveGetFileSystem, DriveSetLabel, DriveGetType, MouseGetCursor, FileFindFirstFile, FileFindNextFile, ControlGetFocus - David Nuttall General C++ advice, StringIsAlpha, StringIsLower, StringIsUpper, StringIsDigit, StringIsAlNum, StringIsXDigit, StringIsSpace, StringIsASCII, RegDelete, Asc, DirRemove, DirCreate, Random, UBound, FileRecycle, IsArray, IsInt, IsFloat, IsString, StringStripWS, Mod, InputBox, variabletable.cpp rewrite and binary tree prototypes, new function lookup design/ideas, Redim, unified Structure stack, ContinueLoop, Util_MouseDown, Util_MouseUp (primary/secondary), Binary Search code for function lookup, StringRegExp... functions, initialize arrays, Floor, Ceiling, Const keyword to UDF parameters, AutoItSetOption rewrite, IsBool, variable assignment, Switch, ContinueCase, BitRotate - J-Paul Mesnage v2 to v3 Converter, AU3GUI and Lots of bug reports, regression testing and ideas/prototypes, @OSServicePack, @OSBuild, @AutoItVersion, AutoItWinShow, AutoItWinWrite, SoundPlay, StringFormat @OSLang, Hex, AutoItWinGetText, _ Continuation, Single-line IFs, Dim/Global/Local same line initialisation, TrayTipDebug, better non-English keyboard support for Send functions, optional UDF parameters, GUI graphics, TCP functions, GUICtrlCreateMonthCal, Execute("expression"), Default keyword, isKeyword, OnAutoItExit extension, AutoIt Info Style and exStyle Prototypes for: Error/include tracking code, Local/Global - Jason Boggs #include <> multiple directories, TrayTip, ToolTip, MemGetStats, new function lookup design/ideas, PID support in process functions and Run(), ProcessSetPriority, Assign, ConsoleWrite, ProcessList, WinSetTrans, IniReadSectionNames, IniReadSection, IniRenameSection, Enum, DllCall extensions, explicit Return @error/@extended, @AutoItPID, ConsoleWriteError, SetError extension, HWnd, IsHWnd - Tylo Float lexing and double to string conversions. Some math functions (tan, atan, etc.) vector_datatype.h, stack_datatype.h, variable_table.cpp rewrite (discontinued), new function lookup design/ideas, +=, -=, *=, /= operators - Jeremy Landes Standard include files compilation and XP Visual Styles manifest files. Some math functions (Abs, Pow, Sqrt, etc.) @UserName, @TempDir, @UserProfileDir, @HomeDrive, @HomePath, @HomeShare, @LogonServer, @LogonDomain, @LogonDNSDomain - Philip "CyberSlug" Gump ControlCommand(GetCurrentCol) - Jos van der Zande Misc bug fixes, Scite lexer, Standard include files. - Holger AU3GUI (especially Menus, Treeviews and ContextMenus) and FileGetShortcut, FileCreateShortcut, FileSelectFolder, @DesktopRefresh, Ping, Tray functions @HotKeyPressed, GuiCtrlSetImage extension, GuiCtrlListView iconview - Garrett "The HardlyDeservesCreditFor20LinesOfCode" R. Mueller ;) TimerInit, TimerDiff - Dave Fulgham StdoutRead, StderrRead, StdinWrite, ConsoleRead - SvenP Obj/COM functions, Boolean support, GUICtrlCreateObj - Ejoc DLLStruct... functions - layer <... at ... ...> Beep, WinFlash - /dev/null <... at ... ...> UDPStartup, UDPShutdown, UDPSend, UDPRecv, UDPOpen, UDPBind - gafrost <... at ... ...> GUI include files External contributions and other sources used --------------------------------------------- - Amir Szekely ResourceEditor.cpp - Resource editing functions (works on 9x too) Thanks to Amir who coded the resource functions for the NSIS Installer and helped me get the code working with AutoIt. Check out the NSIS installer at: - Gabriele Scibilia qmath.h - used with permission.